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Çeviri [Translation]

SALT Galata, April-June 2021

Translation of two resources from English to Turkish under the anthology project Çeviri [Translation] accompanying Deniz Gül’s exhibition Scratch and Surface running through 13 April – 12 June 2021 at SALT Galata. Resources translated as part of the anthology project are accessible in both video and text format via

More on the project and translated resources below.


“Initiated during a series of workshops carried out by the artist and a group of participants as part of SALT’s Study Groups in October 2020, the anthology project Çeviri [Translation] will continue alongside the exhibition. Developing in three stages, the project focuses on scrutinizing urgencies and ongoing debates in language, while deriving possible equivalents of numerous concepts in Turkish and making them widely accessible. The anthology consists of texts, artist talks, and lecture-performances under titles such as postcolonial theory, feminist and queer thinking, new materialism, technology and data use. An output of a joint intellectual production process by artists, curators, writers, and scholars invited by Gül, Çeviri is compiled on a website available for remote online viewing as well as having a dedicated site on the ground floor.”


Jose Munoz: Queer Utopianism and Cruel Optimism

[Queer Ütopyacılık ve Zalim İyimserlik]

Public Feelings Salon, Barnard Center for Research on Women, 12.04.2011

Looking at the photography of Mark Morrisroe, José Muñoz compares and contrasts queer utopianism with Lauren Berlant’s cruel optimism.

The salon featured a conversation with Lauren Berlant, José Muñoz, Ann Pellegrini and Tavia Nyong’o, moderated by Janet Jakobsen.


Sybille Kramer, Faisal Devji, Nick Thurston: The Weaponization of Language


[Dilin Silahlaştırılması]

transmediale 2018

With Faisal Devji, Sybille Krämer, Nick Thurston Moderated by Nelly Yaa Pinkrah.

If language has the power to make visible, to disclose all, as Klemperer once wrote, what does the weaponization of speech and language mean for today’s culture? Populist imperatives circulate as tweets, far-right threats are captured in memes, and racist comments invade users’ profiles: networks of hate are empowered by the virality of verbal and visual communication. The instrumentalization of words and phrases is enhanced by the ways networks automatically operate and process information; it reveals the darkest side of the attention economy and performative network culture. How can this weaponization of language be addressed, and which forms of counter-speech can still be developed? Looking into vocabularies of violence, forms of hate speech, and the role of mediated communication, the speakers of this panel will discuss the function of language in a period of resentment and distrust.

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